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Toda House and Shrine, Tamilnadu

Keywords: Toda House and Shrine

Publisher: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal

Description: A typical toda settlement camprises of one to five dewelling huts, one to three dairy buildings, at least one buffalo pen and one or more calf sheds.

Source: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal

Type: Exhibitions

Received From: Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Tamilnadu 2019-08-01T16:55:02Z 2019-08-01T16:55:02Z
dc.description A typical toda settlement camprises of one to five dewelling huts, one to three dairy buildings, at least one buffalo pen and one or more calf sheds.
dc.source Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal
dc.subject Toda House and Shrine
dc.type Exhibitions
dc.identifier.other EXI_3
dc.format.medium image

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Tamilnadu 2019-08-01T16:55:02Z 2019-08-01T16:55:02Z
dc.description A typical toda settlement camprises of one to five dewelling huts, one to three dairy buildings, at least one buffalo pen and one or more calf sheds.
dc.source Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.publisher Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Manav Sangrahalaya,Bhopal
dc.subject Toda House and Shrine
dc.type Exhibitions
dc.identifier.other EXI_3
dc.format.medium image