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Rosem is a solid instrument made of Um, which is a traditional water pot. This is an indigenous flute found in Tripura.

ROSEM in Tripura

Material: Um, a water pot

Rosem, is an indigenous flute, made from the Um, a traditional water pot used by the Darlong tribe, one of the nineteen major tribes of Tripura. The members of the community, living in different villages, hold inter-village cultural competitions, in which the Rosem is used as a musical accompaniment. It is believed that the Rosem was first used at the Jhum Festival, an agriculture- based celebration, where the king also joins his people in their merry-making. Now-a-days, the Rosem is an important accompaniment in many of the dances of the Darlongs, like the Bamboo dance, Bird dance, etc. The Rosem can accompany the different rhythms of Darlong music like Dar-Teng, Dar-Resbuand others. The Tripuri Uakhrap is an ancient traditional musical instrument of the state. Uakhrap is a combination of two musical bases: strings and skin membranes. The semi circular shaped base of the instrument is made from the wood of the Gamai, Koroi or Garjam trees. Four or five hollow bamboo pieces, each four to five centimeters in length, are fitted on the outer hemisphere of the semi-circular wooden base. The bamboo pieces, each with nine holes, are connected to each other and to the metal disc by metal strings. The inner hemisphere has a leather covering. A rhythmic sound is produced when the bamboo sticks are beaten on the stretched skin covering.