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Constitution of the West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee

Keywords: West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee- Constitution
West Bengal- Politics
West Bengal- Government
West Bengal- India

Publisher: West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, Calcutta

Description: As adopted at the Darjeeling Meeting of the West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, October 1953

Source: National Library of India, Kolkata

Type: E-Book

Received From: National Library of India

DC Field Value
dc.contributor West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee 2013-10-26T07:25:36Z
2019-12-07T07:11:09Z 2013-10-26T07:25:36Z
dc.description As adopted at the Darjeeling Meeting of the West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, October 1953
dc.source National Library of India, Kolkata
dc.format.extent 17p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, Calcutta
dc.subject West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee- Constitution
West Bengal- Politics
West Bengal- Government
West Bengal- India
dc.type E-Book 1953
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 299451
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value
dc.contributor West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee 2013-10-26T07:25:36Z
2019-12-07T07:11:09Z 2013-10-26T07:25:36Z
dc.description As adopted at the Darjeeling Meeting of the West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, October 1953
dc.source National Library of India, Kolkata
dc.format.extent 17p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee, Calcutta
dc.subject West Bengal Pradesh Congress Committee- Constitution
West Bengal- Politics
West Bengal- Government
West Bengal- India
dc.type E-Book 1953
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 299451
dc.format.medium text