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India and Burma a Study

Author: Desai, W.S.

Keywords: Indo-Burmese relations, India, Burma, Research

Publisher: Orient Longmans, Bombay

Description: This book was written by W S Desai in the year 1952. It is essentially a short study of Indo-Burmese relations, with special reference to the modern age. According to the author this will help the two nations to understand each other better, and enable each other to appreciate the viewpoint of the other with greater empathy.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: E-Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Desai, W.S.
dc.coverage.spatial India 2018-07-23T10:31:12Z 2018-07-23T10:31:12Z
dc.description This book was written by W S Desai in the year 1952. It is essentially a short study of Indo-Burmese relations, with special reference to the modern age. According to the author this will help the two nations to understand each other better, and enable each other to appreciate the viewpoint of the other with greater empathy.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 115 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Orient Longmans, Bombay
dc.subject Indo-Burmese relations, India, Burma, Research
dc.type E-Book 1954
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-002937
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Desai, W.S.
dc.coverage.spatial India 2018-07-23T10:31:12Z 2018-07-23T10:31:12Z
dc.description This book was written by W S Desai in the year 1952. It is essentially a short study of Indo-Burmese relations, with special reference to the modern age. According to the author this will help the two nations to understand each other better, and enable each other to appreciate the viewpoint of the other with greater empathy.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 115 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Orient Longmans, Bombay
dc.subject Indo-Burmese relations, India, Burma, Research
dc.type E-Book 1954
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-002937
dc.format.medium text