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A Search for Mizo Identity: The Story of Brig T. Sailo

Author: Chanchin, Brig. T. Sailo

Editor: Hluna, John V.

Keywords: Lehkha Zirlai Chanchin
Army a awm lai Chanchin
Civil and Political Life
High Court Inremna

Publisher: John V. Hluna, Aizawl

Description: Brig. T Sailo is an important figure in the history of Mizoram, especially in the events of the period of insurgency. The book is divided into four parts, which begins from the time of his birth to his education, then to his political career and the influence he had within the community. Through his biography, one can have an insight into the political history of Mizoram, the community life as well as the events of the insurgency in Mizoram and its influence upon the communal life.

Source: State Central Library, Aizawl, Mizoram

Type: E-Book

Received From: Mizoram State Library

DC Field Value Chanchin, Brig. T. Sailo
dc.contributor.editor Hluna, John V. 2019-11-15T18:39:08Z 2019-11-15T18:39:08Z
dc.description Brig. T Sailo is an important figure in the history of Mizoram, especially in the events of the period of insurgency. The book is divided into four parts, which begins from the time of his birth to his education, then to his political career and the influence he had within the community. Through his biography, one can have an insight into the political history of Mizoram, the community life as well as the events of the insurgency in Mizoram and its influence upon the communal life.
dc.source State Central Library, Aizawl, Mizoram
dc.format.extent various pages
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Mizo
dc.publisher John V. Hluna, Aizawl
dc.subject Lehkha Zirlai Chanchin
Army a awm lai Chanchin
Civil and Political Life
High Court Inremna
dc.type E-Book 1983
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 10226
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Chanchin, Brig. T. Sailo
dc.contributor.editor Hluna, John V. 2019-11-15T18:39:08Z 2019-11-15T18:39:08Z
dc.description Brig. T Sailo is an important figure in the history of Mizoram, especially in the events of the period of insurgency. The book is divided into four parts, which begins from the time of his birth to his education, then to his political career and the influence he had within the community. Through his biography, one can have an insight into the political history of Mizoram, the community life as well as the events of the insurgency in Mizoram and its influence upon the communal life.
dc.source State Central Library, Aizawl, Mizoram
dc.format.extent various pages
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Mizo
dc.publisher John V. Hluna, Aizawl
dc.subject Lehkha Zirlai Chanchin
Army a awm lai Chanchin
Civil and Political Life
High Court Inremna
dc.type E-Book 1983
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 10226
dc.format.medium text