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Description: Fragment of base of dish on stand of black on red ware with flaring profile decorated with geometric pattern and horizontal band in black pigment medium fabric and red slip.

Source: Central Antiquity Collection, Purana Qila

Type: Pottery

Received From: National Mission on Monuments and Antiquities

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Harappa
dc.coverage.temporal Harappan 2018-11-15T07:38:19Z 2018-11-15T07:38:19Z
dc.description Fragment of base of dish on stand of black on red ware with flaring profile decorated with geometric pattern and horizontal band in black pigment medium fabric and red slip.
dc.source Central Antiquity Collection, Purana Qila
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Pottery
dc.format.medium image 2010-12-13
cdwa.location Exploration / Excavation

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial Harappa
dc.coverage.temporal Harappan 2018-11-15T07:38:19Z 2018-11-15T07:38:19Z
dc.description Fragment of base of dish on stand of black on red ware with flaring profile decorated with geometric pattern and horizontal band in black pigment medium fabric and red slip.
dc.source Central Antiquity Collection, Purana Qila
dc.format.mimetype image/jpeg
dc.type Pottery
dc.format.medium image 2010-12-13
cdwa.location Exploration / Excavation