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Abhyudayikasraddha Vidhih

Keywords: Tantra Mantra
Vrat Katha

Publisher: Allahabad Museum, Allahabad

Description: The manuscript is related to Vrat Katha, Kavach and Tantra Mantra and has 12 pages. It is handwritten on paper using black ink in the Devnagari script by an Indian author. It belongs to Sanskrit literature.

Type: Manuscript

Received From: Allahabad Museum

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial India
dc.coverage.temporal C.18th Century CE 2020-09-03T14:56:56Z 2020-09-03T14:56:56Z
dc.description The manuscript is related to Vrat Katha, Kavach and Tantra Mantra and has 12 pages. It is handwritten on paper using black ink in the Devnagari script by an Indian author. It belongs to Sanskrit literature.
dc.format.extent 6 folios
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.language.iso Sanskrit
dc.publisher Allahabad Museum, Allahabad
dc.subject Tantra Mantra
Vrat Katha
dc.type Manuscript
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AM-MSS-82-2329
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Paper

DC Field Value
dc.coverage.spatial India
dc.coverage.temporal C.18th Century CE 2020-09-03T14:56:56Z 2020-09-03T14:56:56Z
dc.description The manuscript is related to Vrat Katha, Kavach and Tantra Mantra and has 12 pages. It is handwritten on paper using black ink in the Devnagari script by an Indian author. It belongs to Sanskrit literature.
dc.format.extent 6 folios
dc.format.mimetype image/jpg
dc.language.iso Sanskrit
dc.publisher Allahabad Museum, Allahabad
dc.subject Tantra Mantra
Vrat Katha
dc.type Manuscript
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AM-MSS-82-2329
dc.format.medium image
dc.format.material Paper