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Ravanhatha is a stringed instrument, made of coconut shell, bamboo, steel, horsehair, wood, and parchment. This folk instrument is found in different parts of the country like Rajasthan and Gujarat. Majorly used for vocal accompaniment by Bhopas of Rajasthan in a traditional narrative form called Pabuji Ki Phad.

RAVANHATHA in Rajasthan

Material: Coconut shell, bamboo, steel, horsehair

Resonator made of coconut shell. A long bamboo finger board is fixed to it. The main playing string is made of horse hair whereas another playing string and 16 sympathetic strings are made of steel. Played with a bow, made of curved wooden stick and horse hair. Used for vocal accompaniment by Bhopas of Rajasthan in a traditional narrative form called Pabuji Ki Phad.


Material: Wood, coconut shell, parchment, horsehair

A bowed instrument with a round wooden fingerboard, penetrated through a halved coconut shell, covered with skin. Two steel strings tied to the pegs on the upper end. Played with a curved bow of horse hair. Used as an accompaniment to folk songs of Gujarat and neighbouring regions.