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An Alphabetical List of the Feasts and Holidays of the Hindus and Muhammadans

Keywords: Festivals of India, religious holidays of India, Hindu festivals, Islamic festivals

Publisher: Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta

Description: This hand-book by E Denison Ross covers an alphabetical list of the feasts, festivals, and holidays of the followers of Hinduism and Islam. The author has presented brief accounts of all these festivals to mark their period as well as significance. He also mentions how he selected two men in the Records Office, one Hindu and the other Muslim, to carry out his aim of completing this extremely timely and informative work.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value
dc.contributor Imperial Record Department 2019-02-28T12:05:14Z 2019-02-28T12:05:14Z
dc.description This hand-book by E Denison Ross covers an alphabetical list of the feasts, festivals, and holidays of the followers of Hinduism and Islam. The author has presented brief accounts of all these festivals to mark their period as well as significance. He also mentions how he selected two men in the Records Office, one Hindu and the other Muslim, to carry out his aim of completing this extremely timely and informative work.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent vii, 123 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta
dc.subject Festivals of India, religious holidays of India, Hindu festivals, Islamic festivals
dc.type Rare Book 1914
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-001427
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value
dc.contributor Imperial Record Department 2019-02-28T12:05:14Z 2019-02-28T12:05:14Z
dc.description This hand-book by E Denison Ross covers an alphabetical list of the feasts, festivals, and holidays of the followers of Hinduism and Islam. The author has presented brief accounts of all these festivals to mark their period as well as significance. He also mentions how he selected two men in the Records Office, one Hindu and the other Muslim, to carry out his aim of completing this extremely timely and informative work.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent vii, 123 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Superintendent Government Printing, Calcutta
dc.subject Festivals of India, religious holidays of India, Hindu festivals, Islamic festivals
dc.type Rare Book 1914
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-001427
dc.format.medium text