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Asia Minor in Ruins

Author: Ximinez, Saturnino

Publisher: Hutchinson & Co., London

Description: Asia Minor in Ruins was written by Saturnino Ximinez with a preface given by M.B. Haussoullier. This book was published in the year 1925 in London. The contents of this book are divided into fifteen chapters providing information on Brusa, Mount Olympus, the Propontis etc.

Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

DC Field Value Ximinez, Saturnino 2019-07-23T16:31:12Z 2019-07-23T16:31:12Z
dc.description Asia Minor in Ruins was written by Saturnino Ximinez with a preface given by M.B. Haussoullier. This book was published in the year 1925 in London. The contents of this book are divided into fifteen chapters providing information on Brusa, Mount Olympus, the Propontis etc.
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent xv, 286p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Hutchinson & Co., London
dc.type Rare Book 1925
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 3417
dc.format.medium text
dc.contributor.translator Chambers , Arthur
DC Field Value Ximinez, Saturnino 2019-07-23T16:31:12Z 2019-07-23T16:31:12Z
dc.description Asia Minor in Ruins was written by Saturnino Ximinez with a preface given by M.B. Haussoullier. This book was published in the year 1925 in London. The contents of this book are divided into fifteen chapters providing information on Brusa, Mount Olympus, the Propontis etc.
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent xv, 286p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Hutchinson & Co., London
dc.type Rare Book 1925
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 3417
dc.format.medium text
dc.contributor.translator Chambers , Arthur