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British and Native Cochin

Author: C.A.L.

Keywords: Cochin, British, Zamorin, Malayalam, Administration, Dutch in India

Publisher: Courier Press, Cochin

Description: Containing ten chapters, this book begins with the story of ‘Discovery of America’, Vasco de Gama’s first expedition to India and encounters with the 'Zamorin'. The work gives a description of the town of Cochin, its physical geography and the presence of Europeans therein. It also has details of production, potentials of the region and its trade activities. Moreover, an account of the local rulers of Cochin, the language spoken by the people, and the like, are provided in the work.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value C.A.L. 2019-02-23T11:49:17Z 2019-02-23T11:49:17Z
dc.description Containing ten chapters, this book begins with the story of ‘Discovery of America’, Vasco de Gama’s first expedition to India and encounters with the 'Zamorin'. The work gives a description of the town of Cochin, its physical geography and the presence of Europeans therein. It also has details of production, potentials of the region and its trade activities. Moreover, an account of the local rulers of Cochin, the language spoken by the people, and the like, are provided in the work.

dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 172 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Courier Press, Cochin
dc.subject Cochin, British, Zamorin, Malayalam, Administration, Dutch in India
dc.type Rare Book 1860
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-004952
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value C.A.L. 2019-02-23T11:49:17Z 2019-02-23T11:49:17Z
dc.description Containing ten chapters, this book begins with the story of ‘Discovery of America’, Vasco de Gama’s first expedition to India and encounters with the 'Zamorin'. The work gives a description of the town of Cochin, its physical geography and the presence of Europeans therein. It also has details of production, potentials of the region and its trade activities. Moreover, an account of the local rulers of Cochin, the language spoken by the people, and the like, are provided in the work.

dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 172 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Courier Press, Cochin
dc.subject Cochin, British, Zamorin, Malayalam, Administration, Dutch in India
dc.type Rare Book 1860
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-004952
dc.format.medium text