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Bygone Days in India

Author: Dewar, Douglas

Keywords: Indian culture, Notes on India from the British, Douglas Dewar

Publisher: John Lane the Bodley Head, London

Description: Douglas Dewar presents this book with several chapters that contain some interesting and exclusive narratives relating to India. This book, prepared with eighteen eye-catching illustrations, has been able to cover different geographical locations, socio-cultural aspects, biographical expressions, and life experiences.These include: Some Old Handbooks to India, From Bombay to Simla by Palanquin in 1838, To India via the Red Sea in 1837, Some Literary Ladies, David Price and His Friends, Lucknow in Nawabi Times, Ganges Steamers, etc.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Dewar, Douglas
dc.coverage.spatial India 2018-07-20T06:19:51Z 2018-07-20T06:19:51Z
dc.description Douglas Dewar presents this book with several chapters that contain some interesting and exclusive narratives relating to India. This book, prepared with eighteen eye-catching illustrations, has been able to cover different geographical locations, socio-cultural aspects, biographical expressions, and life experiences.These include: Some Old Handbooks to India, From Bombay to Simla by Palanquin in 1838, To India via the Red Sea in 1837, Some Literary Ladies, David Price and His Friends, Lucknow in Nawabi Times, Ganges Steamers, etc.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent viii, 287p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher John Lane the Bodley Head, London
dc.subject Indian culture, Notes on India from the British, Douglas Dewar
dc.type Rare Book 1922
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-002322
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Dewar, Douglas
dc.coverage.spatial India 2018-07-20T06:19:51Z 2018-07-20T06:19:51Z
dc.description Douglas Dewar presents this book with several chapters that contain some interesting and exclusive narratives relating to India. This book, prepared with eighteen eye-catching illustrations, has been able to cover different geographical locations, socio-cultural aspects, biographical expressions, and life experiences.These include: Some Old Handbooks to India, From Bombay to Simla by Palanquin in 1838, To India via the Red Sea in 1837, Some Literary Ladies, David Price and His Friends, Lucknow in Nawabi Times, Ganges Steamers, etc.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent viii, 287p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher John Lane the Bodley Head, London
dc.subject Indian culture, Notes on India from the British, Douglas Dewar
dc.type Rare Book 1922
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-002322
dc.format.medium text