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History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire Vol.I

Author: Gibbon, Edward

Keywords: Rome, History, Juvenile literature, Empire, Revolutions

Publisher: T. Codell, London

Description: Written by Edward Gibbon, this book is the first volume to the history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It explains the historic series of revolutions which in the course of about thirteen centuries, gradually brought about the downfall of the Roman Empire. It was divided into three periods. The first of these periods can be traced from the age of Trajan to Antonines. The second period deals with the decline and fall of Rome and the last period includes the six centuries and a half, from the revival of the Western Empire.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Gibbon, Edward 2019-02-26T15:44:46Z 2019-02-26T15:44:46Z
dc.description Written by Edward Gibbon, this book is the first volume to the history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It explains the historic series of revolutions which in the course of about thirteen centuries, gradually brought about the downfall of the Roman Empire. It was divided into three periods. The first of these periods can be traced from the age of Trajan to Antonines. The second period deals with the decline and fall of Rome and the last period includes the six centuries and a half, from the revival of the Western Empire.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent lii, 509 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher T. Codell, London
dc.subject Rome, History, Juvenile literature, Empire, Revolutions
dc.type Rare Book 1848
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-037564
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Gibbon, Edward 2019-02-26T15:44:46Z 2019-02-26T15:44:46Z
dc.description Written by Edward Gibbon, this book is the first volume to the history of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire. It explains the historic series of revolutions which in the course of about thirteen centuries, gradually brought about the downfall of the Roman Empire. It was divided into three periods. The first of these periods can be traced from the age of Trajan to Antonines. The second period deals with the decline and fall of Rome and the last period includes the six centuries and a half, from the revival of the Western Empire.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent lii, 509 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher T. Codell, London
dc.subject Rome, History, Juvenile literature, Empire, Revolutions
dc.type Rare Book 1848
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-037564
dc.format.medium text