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History of Indian and Eastern architecture

Author: History of Indian and Eastern Architecture by James Fergusson was published in the year 1910. The book is divided into three parts. It begins by introducing Indian architecture, followed by some technical principles. Finally, the writer talks about ethnography when applied to architectural art.

Keywords: Architecture, Indian, Eastern, Ethnography, Art

Publisher: John Murray, London

Description: Includes index

Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

DC Field Value History of Indian and Eastern Architecture by James Fergusson was published in the year 1910. The book is divided into three parts. It begins by introducing Indian architecture, followed by some technical principles. Finally, the writer talks about ethnography when applied to architectural art.
dc.contributor Burgess, James
Spiers, Richard Phené
Burgess, James
Spiers, Richard Phené 2019-07-08T15:18:19Z 2019-07-08T15:18:19Z
dc.description Includes index
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent .xvi, 521 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher John Murray, London
dc.subject Architecture, Indian, Eastern, Ethnography, Art
dc.type Rare Book 1910
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 20097
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value History of Indian and Eastern Architecture by James Fergusson was published in the year 1910. The book is divided into three parts. It begins by introducing Indian architecture, followed by some technical principles. Finally, the writer talks about ethnography when applied to architectural art.
dc.contributor Burgess, James
Spiers, Richard Phené
Burgess, James
Spiers, Richard Phené 2019-07-08T15:18:19Z 2019-07-08T15:18:19Z
dc.description Includes index
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent .xvi, 521 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher John Murray, London
dc.subject Architecture, Indian, Eastern, Ethnography, Art
dc.type Rare Book 1910
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 20097
dc.format.medium text