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The Life of the Buddha and the Early History of His Order Derived from Tibetan Works in the Bkah-Hgyur and Bstan-Hgyur followed by Notices on the Early History of Tibet and Khoten

Publisher: London Trübner & co,London

Source: Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Archaeological Survey of India

DC Field Value 2019-11-16T06:41:24Z 2019-11-16T06:41:24Z
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent xii,269p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher London Trübner & co,London
dc.type Rare Book 1884
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 13949
dc.format.medium text
dc.contributor.translator Rockhill,William Woodville
DC Field Value 2019-11-16T06:41:24Z 2019-11-16T06:41:24Z
dc.source Archaeological Survey of India, New Delhi
dc.format.extent xii,269p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher London Trübner & co,London
dc.type Rare Book 1884
dc.identifier.accessionnumber 13949
dc.format.medium text
dc.contributor.translator Rockhill,William Woodville