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A Malayalam and English Dictionary

Author: Gundert, H.

Keywords: Bilingual dictionary, Malayalam language, Malayalam-English Dictionary

Publisher: C. Stolz Basel Mission Book & Tract Depository, Mangalore

Description: A bilingual Malayalam and English dictionary authored by Dr H Gundert. This is the first part of the dictionary containing the vowels that had been collected from several resources including the people of all ranks, social status, and occupations. They used the words as their means of everyday conversation that certainly helped the author to cover some widely used and spoken words. The other resources also include several literary endeavours of different writers of poetry and prose, letters, and available written documents found in every district.

Source: Central Secretariat Library

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Central Secretariat Library

DC Field Value Gundert, H. 2019-03-02T13:24:43Z 2019-03-02T13:24:43Z
dc.description A bilingual Malayalam and English dictionary authored by Dr H Gundert. This is the first part of the dictionary containing the vowels that had been collected from several resources including the people of all ranks, social status, and occupations. They used the words as their means of everyday conversation that certainly helped the author to cover some widely used and spoken words. The other resources also include several literary endeavours of different writers of poetry and prose, letters, and available written documents found in every district.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 192 p
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher C. Stolz Basel Mission Book & Tract Depository, Mangalore
dc.subject Bilingual dictionary, Malayalam language, Malayalam-English Dictionary
dc.type Rare Book 1871
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-001654
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value Gundert, H. 2019-03-02T13:24:43Z 2019-03-02T13:24:43Z
dc.description A bilingual Malayalam and English dictionary authored by Dr H Gundert. This is the first part of the dictionary containing the vowels that had been collected from several resources including the people of all ranks, social status, and occupations. They used the words as their means of everyday conversation that certainly helped the author to cover some widely used and spoken words. The other resources also include several literary endeavours of different writers of poetry and prose, letters, and available written documents found in every district.
dc.source Central Secretariat Library
dc.format.extent 192 p
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher C. Stolz Basel Mission Book & Tract Depository, Mangalore
dc.subject Bilingual dictionary, Malayalam language, Malayalam-English Dictionary
dc.type Rare Book 1871
dc.identifier.accessionnumber AS-001654
dc.format.medium text