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Report on the Census of Travancore: Taken by Command of His Highness the Maja Rajah, on the 18th May 1875 A.D. - 6th Vycausy 1050 M.E.

Publisher: Travancore Government, Trevadrum

Source: Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad

Type: Rare Book

Received From: Salar Jung Museum

DC Field Value 2020-01-10T14:59:42Z 2020-01-10T14:59:42Z
dc.source Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Travancore Government, Trevadrum
dc.type Rare Book 1876
dc.identifier.accessionnumber E17629
dc.format.medium text
dc.format.duration iv, 283, xliv p.
DC Field Value 2020-01-10T14:59:42Z 2020-01-10T14:59:42Z
dc.source Salar Jung Museum, Hyderabad
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso English
dc.publisher Travancore Government, Trevadrum
dc.type Rare Book 1876
dc.identifier.accessionnumber E17629
dc.format.medium text
dc.format.duration iv, 283, xliv p.