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સુરતની તવારીખ

Alternative Title: Surat Ni Tavarikh

Author: Edalji Barjorji Patel

Editor: Narotamdas Govindram chapi

Description: Surat is one of the most famous cities in the world. How old it is, how the state was run, what happiness the people had; How many battles were fought in it, how many times disasters like drought, fire, rail etc. occurred and people had to flee in fear.

Source: National Library of India, Kolkata

Type: Rare Book

Received From: National Library of India

DC Field Value
dc.title.alternative Surat Ni Tavarikh Edalji Barjorji Patel
dc.contributor.editor Narotamdas Govindram chapi 2013-12-27T09:05:34Z
2019-12-07T03:41:20Z 2013-12-27T09:05:34Z
dc.description Surat is one of the most famous cities in the world. How old it is, how the state was run, what happiness the people had; How many battles were fought in it, how many times disasters like drought, fire, rail etc. occurred and people had to flee in fear.
dc.source National Library of India, Kolkata
dc.format.extent 284 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Gujarati
dc.type Rare Book 1819
dc.format.medium text
DC Field Value
dc.alternativetitle Surat Ni Tavarikh Edalji Barjorji Patel
dc.contributor.editor Narotamdas Govindram chapi 2013-12-27T09:05:34Z
2019-12-07T03:41:20Z 2013-12-27T09:05:34Z
dc.description Surat is one of the most famous cities in the world. How old it is, how the state was run, what happiness the people had; How many battles were fought in it, how many times disasters like drought, fire, rail etc. occurred and people had to flee in fear.
dc.source National Library of India, Kolkata
dc.format.extent 284 p.
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso Gujarati
dc.type Rare Book 1819
dc.format.medium text